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  • Press Release

Polling Shows Dobson Gaining on Figures in AL02

Montgomery, AL – Alabama Families PAC, a Federal Super PAC with the primary goal of protecting the interests of families in Alabama, recently conducted polling in Alabama’s Second Congressional District. In the survey, participants were asked about their opinions of both Republican nominee for congress, Caroleene Dobson, and Democrat nominee Shomari Figures, as well as respondents' opinions on certain issues and past events.

On the survey, the ballot test showed Dobson with 33.86% to Figures’ 37.04% with 29.01% indicating they were still undecided on which candidate they would choose. 

Additionally, 28.73% of those interviewed indicated they had a favorable or very favorable opinion of Dobson while 38.88% said they had a favorable or very favorable opinion of Figures– indicating slight under performance of Figures on the ballot test, and slight over performance of Dobson. Dobson’s overall name ID in the race was 49.88% while Figures’ showed 68.46%.

“Voters in Alabama’s Second Congressional District are clear in their desire to elect the candidate with the clearest plan on the border and on matters relating to the economy,” stated Dalton Dismukes, Executive Director of Alabama Families PAC. “Caroleene Dobson is not only clearly defining herself as the candidate bringing solutions to problems, but her strides are becoming more and more evident with key voting groups in this district.”


Alabama Families PAC seeks to build a prosperous future for the families of Alabama through strong public leadership, safe communities, and robust economies and education initiatives. Learn more at

Survey conducted by Strategy Management, LLC from 7/22-7/24/24. N=1000, MoE 4%, Mix-Modal Survey of 52% SMS and 48% Live Telephone Interview. 55.4% Democrat, 44.6% Republican / 42.4% White, 49.1% Black, 8.5% Other / 51.2% Women, 48.8% Men.



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